Tuesday, November 25, 2003

"I'm sorry I'm late. I had to attend the reading of a will. I stayed to the very end, only to find out, that I had received nothing."
-Spies Like Us

I may be autistic. You know how Hoffman in Rain Man thinks candy bars and cars cost "about a hundred dollars"? That's me when it comes to time. I have no concept of it. 10 minutes is like 10 hours to me, and a week is like an hour. I doubt highly that there are people out there who are consistently later than I am to everything. What is that all about? Is that a sign that I don't care, or does it mean I care too much about what I am doing at that moment. Or mabye I constantly want to tempt fate, to see if I can maximize time one place, and still manage to sneak in to the next at the buzzer. I really don't know. Personally, I dont find it to be that big a deal. I try so hard to be on time, and when I really need to, I am. But if it's "about 4", then I think 415 is legit. Am I wrong here? Probably....

Today's Movie Review: The Core

Ever watch garbage, know it's garbage, but not care? That's The Core. It is horrible. Super special effects that either look fake, or are just boring. Plus some of the worst dialogue ever: "That's a major electrical discharge." "This looks bad. We should check it out." Imagine a boogie board reading from the script of Tremors 2, and you get an idea of the acting. Bee-rutal. Now that I think of it, it was worse than I expected. Still better than Cube 2...

Do you think there are ego-maniacs out there who deliberatly put their pants on two legs at a time, just to be different? I almost guarentee it. How do I know? I did that for a while...

I really hate it when your favorite team (basketball or football) is having a garbage season, with no hope at the playoffs, and they decide to win a few games at the end, just to make things interesting. Look, either make the playoffs, or go winless, ok? Get the best draft pick, quit messin' around! Why strive for mediocrity?

I hate morning radio, just despise it. Do you actually have to be an annoying moron to get these jobs? And who really enjoys this crap? A couple of idiots screaming into a mic, making stupid prank phone calls, and talking about how nutty a time they had doing their laundry the day before. And everything is some subtle sexual reference: Hey girl, what you doin? Im eating breakfast. Oh, I'll be your breakfast! No, see, no you won't. You won't do anything. You are a fat loser, and get out of my freaking ear. And for god's sake, stop playing Beonce!

Man, that is another thing. I am so tired of pop music. It is such garbage. What ever happened to good old hip hop? Ever listen to the lyrics on these crap songs? They are so horrible, I just imagine what it looks like on paper. "Hey man, how does this sound 'Girl you are so sweet/I love your feet/Im gonna cross the street/You are so neat.'" Oh yeah man, that talks to me. God, record companies man....and they complain that we are downloading so much music that it's causing sales to drop....um, no. You keep printing crap albums, that we refuse to buy. That guy from 98 Degrees, Nick Lachey (sp?) released a solo album....why? Was he the top guy from 98 Degrees? What is that? That's like winning the Strongest Man competition in Ethiopia. That's like being smartest Hilton sister. That is like having the most teeth in Alabama. You are a winner at being a loser!

I have to comment on an article I read. There is this kid. I don't know where he lives, and I don't know his name. This kid has cystic fibrosis, or MS, or something. I can't remember. Truth is, it doesn't matter. Fact is, he has trouble with his motor skills, and he makes a walk across the room look like a marathon. But see, that's the thing....this kid runs marathons. He is on his high school's cross country team, and finishes every race he starts, no matter how far behind everyone else he is. He trips and falls constantly, but refuses any assistance. He crosses the finish line bruised and bloodied, to the deafening sounds of cheers and applause. I just wish I could tell him that reading that story touched me so much, I posted it above my bed.......he's the reason I get up in the morning.

For some reason, I prefer Thanksgiving to Christmas. Maybe because it's just one big meal. More likely, it's because you don't spend time with family for so long, it's the first time since Easter that you all get together for such a nice event. Christmas is right after, so it's like, man, I just saw you. Not to mention, Christmas is so over-hyped and commercial, it really is annoying. I heard a carol on the radio yesterday. Come on, cut us some slack!

For my money, the worst job in the world is security guard at a bank in Alaska. Every damn person is wearing a ski mask...

So everyone is mad that we are attacking Iraq and Afghanistan and all these horrible places, because there are no weapons of mass destruction. Let me be the first to say, who cares! Why did we attack? Because. That's it, that's the list.

Im out. Going home for Thanksgiving, and couldnt be happier. It will be so nice to get back to normalcy. As much time as I spend in San Diego, I still feel like an outsider. Nothing seems right, everything is slightly askew. I can't wait to see familiar faces. Streets and skylines, and the East Hills. It will just be nice to smell familiar air, and do familiar things. For all the adventuring I like to do....nothing beats home...


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