Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Today's Thoughts and a New Blog!

Good day, my cherubs. Long time not talk. Been busy, and getting busier. First and foremost, soon to be included on the links to the left is Law and Boarders, the new house specific blog for my current residence. Its a team blog, so I am not to be held accountable for the ramblings of my roommates. Today's news:

*James got married. It's the most shocking development in history, I'll tell you what. My best friend from college, someone I know inside and out, and I am just shocked. The guy is neurotic, to say the least. Never met a girl that couldn't drive him insane. Yet here he is, planning and executing a wedding. Im just so happy for the guy, I hope he realizes what he just got himself into. Ha ha, sucker! The real story was how difficult it was for me to be back in Chicago. I lived there for a year, but I lived with my wife, so every little thing was a stinging reminder of our times there. I thought I would be upset, but I was really nostalgic. I even called her, and left a message to let her know I was thinking about her. (waste o' time) And then to sit through that wedding, and hear all of the vows and promises again.....well, that was tough. It just reminded me of all the promises that were made to me that are no longer being kept. That saddens me.

*It is raining here in San Diego. I am filing an official complaint with Tony Toni Tone, who told me it never rains in Southern California. That's just false advertising as far as I am concerned.

*Im going on a field trip for class today. Read that again....a field trip. I even had to get my roommates to sign a permission slip. I forgot to pack a lunch, but Ill get some lunchables on the way. To be honest, I was in class, and I can't even remember where we are going. All i know is it takes 45 minutes to get there, so Im sleeping like a sleep-dog.

*The Biggest Loser. This show was absolutely cheesy, and absolutely classic. Imagine 12 people, all overweight. They are brought on this show, put in a house, and given trainers and specific diets, all in the hope of losing weight. Great concept, but what an absolute train wreck. NBC is basically humiliating these people for profit, propping them up, weighing them in on a circus scale once a week, all to see who can lose the most weight before shoving a knitting needle into their own skull. I swear, if at least three people arent dead by the end of the next show, then it's fake.

But it raises another point, and that is, this obsession with the media in calling people who are overweight "victims", and people who lose weight "heroes". I just have to disagree. I know it's not the PC way to go, but you are not allowed to be heroic for fixing a problem you created! I'm sorry I can't sympathize, I really am, but this whole excuse that "I love food too much" is absolute crap. I myself, love food. I love it. If I could afford to, I'd eat a whole pizza every night, a giant pastrami sub for lunch, and a bagful of McGriddles in the morning. I would eat that everyday. But it's not just the money that stops me. Its the self control (and Im not exactly the poster boy for discipline). I just don't want to be fat, and unhealthy, and risk dying any earlier than I have to. So, being overweight has NOTHING to do with genetics, and nothing to do with some emotional problems, or food being a comfort device - we ALL suffer from those things. I'm a manic depressive going through a separation, and I have managed to maintain my food intake. So, take your excuses and shove 'em. The truth is, being overweight is a sign of weakness. You are too weak to stop, and you need someone to force you. Look at the show last night. They bring in these trainers, and the people were losing like 10-15-20 pounds. In a week. 20 pounds in a freaking week. That's 100 lbs in a month. That is ridiculous. And what did it take? A little encouragement and forced discipline. So, take from that what you will.....


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